Law of heartlessness states that any two humans in love in the universe share their hearts with each other. This sharing of heart results in its reduction to half of its original size since the other half is already with the other human. If the original size of heart is H, then the new size of heart, Hnew, is given by
Hnew = 0.5 H,
and the size of the shared heart, Hshared, is given by
Hshared = H - Hnew.
When in love, it is possible to access both parts of the heart, Hnew and Hshared. But as soon as love is gone, the shared part of heart is lost forever and both the humans are left with Hnew. Such a process can be repetitive given the humans are devoid of capabilities like machine learning. If the same human undergoes this process multiple times, its final heart size, Hfinal, follows a geometric progression with a common ratio of 0.5. Mathematically,
Heartlessness index, as the name suggests, gives an approximate estimate of the heartlessness in a human. We have adopted the heartlessness index in such a way that lower the value of index, prominent is the quality of heartlessness. Figure 1 shows the extent of heartlessness found in most of the humans. The horizontal axis gives the number of love encounters and the vertical axis gives the heartlessness index in logarithmic scale. We have categorized humans in four broad categories based on this index: blessed for i >= 1, normal for 0.1 =< i < 1, unfortunate for 0.01 =< i < 0.1 and awful for i < 0.01. The interpretation of different categories has been left to the reader's intellect.
Hfinal = 0.5n H,
where n is the number of times a human has encountered love. Assuming the original value of H =2, we obtain the heartlessness index, i = Hfinal,
i = 0.5n * 2 = 0.5n-1.
Heartlessness index, as the name suggests, gives an approximate estimate of the heartlessness in a human. We have adopted the heartlessness index in such a way that lower the value of index, prominent is the quality of heartlessness. Figure 1 shows the extent of heartlessness found in most of the humans. The horizontal axis gives the number of love encounters and the vertical axis gives the heartlessness index in logarithmic scale. We have categorized humans in four broad categories based on this index: blessed for i >= 1, normal for 0.1 =< i < 1, unfortunate for 0.01 =< i < 0.1 and awful for i < 0.01. The interpretation of different categories has been left to the reader's intellect.
Figure 1: The index of heartlessness